Custom Query (32 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#193 .Net Framework 3.5 requested at installation. new Michael Halloran defect Installation
#204 Warning if no PP supported by PPM new michelpons defect COLoggers
#206 About page in controller not updated for 2.3.1 info new michaelhalloran defect COLoggingController
#216 Display of changed folder for logs new Michael Halloran defect 2.5 COLoggingController
#219 Configuration of WIX project for debug version new Michael Halloran defect 2.5 Installation
#91 COLTT automatically enabled on PPM as well as on TS new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggingController
#109 Remove non CAPE-OPEN calls from View new michaelhalloran enhancement Viewer
#111 get_requestedOperation new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggers
#115 Name given to Parameter and Port Collections new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggers
#117 COLTT message does not show up as from COLTT in Viewer new Michael Halloran enhancement Viewer
#123 Control logging of specific object types from within Controller new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggingController
#132 Control on COLTT access to error description new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggingController
#166 Incomplete information for CopyFromMaterial new Michael Halloran enhancement COLoggers
#179 Compare two logs new Michael Halloran enhancement 3.0 Viewer
#191 Actualize function for list of log files new Michael Halloran enhancement 3.0 COLoggingController
#192 Consistency between log and specification new Michael Halloran enhancement 3.0 COLoggers
#194 Display of diffusion coefficients new michelpons enhancement 3.0 COLoggers
#195 Additional information needed when CreateMaterial is exercized new michelpons enhancement 3.0 COLoggers
#197 Clarify if UNDEFINED is returned or not by GetPropertyPackageList new michelpons enhancement 3.0 COLoggers
#202 Display Compound name rather than UNDEFINED new michelpons enhancement COLoggers
#203 Sequence of entries in log for GetCompoundConstant new michelpons enhancement COLoggers
#207 Viewer 2.3.1 not running new michaelhalloran enhancement Installation
#210 Icon to installer new Michael Halloran enhancement 3.0 Installation
#214 Replacing use of SHGetMalloc in CLogFile.cpp new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 COLoggers
#215 Include CAPE-OPEN 32-bit TLB/PIA merge module in 32-bit COLTT installer new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 Installation
#217 Warning message on GetPDependentPropList call new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 COLoggers
#218 Need to upgrade VC++ Compiler and Libraries new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 Viewer
#220 Input argument of GetPropertyPackage not printed new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 COLoggers
#222 Reliance on .NET Framework 2.0 for COLTT Viewer new mbruno enhancement 3.0 Viewer
#226 Check out WIX 4 to build msi new Michael Halloran enhancement Installation
#227 Start menu folder renamed as CAPE-OPEN COLTT new Michael Halloran enhancement 2.5 Installation
#221 Distribution of COLTT development guide assigned mbruno task 2.5 Installation
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.