The CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT) supports version 1.0 and version 1.1 of the CAPE-OPEN standard. Only a subset of CAPE-OPEN interface specifications is within the current scope of COLTT: the CAPE-OPEN interfaces which have been most often implemented and used in process simulation software. They are:
- Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification
- Unit Operation interface specification
- Collection Common interface specification
- Identification Common interface specification
- Error Common interface specification
- Persistence Common interface specification
- Parameter Common interface specification
- Simulation Context COSE interface specification
- Utilities Common interface specification
You are invited to download and use the latest version of COLTT which is currently version 2.4 released in December 2016 (Build corresponding to commit 332).
Information on COLTT 2.4
COLTT 2.4 is not a functionality upgrade of previous releases but provides both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of COLTT. The 64-bit version of COLTT works only with a 64-bit PME and 64-bit PMCs. The 32-bit version of COLTT under version 2.4 is equivalent to COLTT version 2.3.1.
All the modifications can be accessed by CO-LaN Members on the repository of the COLTT project.
The COLTT development environment has been upgraded to MS Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition. This is a free version Visual Studio which includes support for all languages and libraries used in COLTT development.