Custom Query (32 matches)


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Status: closed (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#38 get_ValStatus improperly logged Michael Halloran defect minor 1.08.4 fixed
#78 When UO logged no connection on ports michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#54 Viewer has problems reading a log file michaelhalloran defect major Development duplicate
#9 Version number in COLTT program name ahsanakhtar defect major 1.08.2 fixed
#81 UniSim Design crashes at reload with AixCAPE UO logged michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#57 UO and PPM/PP logging not on same level in report MichaelHalloran defect major Development fixed
#93 Support for IPersistPropertyBag michaelhalloran enhancement major Development fixed
#56 Some problem reading a COLTT log file MichaelHalloran defect major Development fixed
#62 Simulis crashes when COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System michaelhalloran defect major Development duplicate
#86 Return from SetProp not logged michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#53 Recursive view of Call to get Option list in Viewer michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#43 PME aborts in get_Reports Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#59 OATS in Aspen Plus michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#37 Name returned by GetComponentName not showing Michael Halloran enhancement minor 1.08.4 fixed
#70 Multiple log entries about connecting a Port michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#44 Location in logfile of message from Validate method Michael Halloran enhancement minor 1.08.4 fixed
#12 License notice missing ahsanakhtar defect major 1.08.3 fixed
#6 InitNew call not logged michaelhalloran defect major 1.08.2 fixed
#67 Incomplete view of method calls michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#65 Incomplete view of log file in Viewer michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#49 Error 1303 occurs when installing on Windows 7 or Vista Michael Halloran defect major 1.08.4 worksforme
#69 Discreminating between calls made by COLTT itself and by PME/PMC michaelhalloran enhancement major Development worksforme
#42 Change of error message when UO logged Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#88 COLTT does not recognize UO as supporting CAPE-OPEN interfaces michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#89 CAPE-OPEN 1.1 PP not recognized as supporting CO interfaces Michael Halloran defect major Development worksforme
#50 AspenTech: COLTT does not handle undefined double values? Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#75 Aspen Hysys crashes when using logged Aspen Properties PP michaelhalloran defect major Development worksforme
#39 Argument of put_ComponentName call not displayed Michael Halloran enhancement minor 1.08.4 fixed
#3 09-019 COLTT modifies error rmessage displayed in PROSIM when CalcEquilibrium fails Michael Halloran defect minor 1.08.2 worksforme
#31 09-012 Version 0.93 UO michaelhalloran defect minor 1.08.4 fixed
#28 08-136 COUSCOUS UO in PRO/II 8.2 Michael Halloran defect major 1.08.4 worksforme
#25 08-023 Simulis Thermodynamics in COFE Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.