Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#113 COLTT entry remaining in Viewer after filtering COLTT entries Michael Halloran defect minor Development fixed
#127 Warning message - compIds argument is empty Michael Halloran defect minor Development fixed
#16 GetCompoundConstant logging michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#32 SetFontCellColor error Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#46 Unsufficient message content michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#51 AspenTech: Crash using COLTT 1.08.4 michaelhalloran defect major 1.08.4 Not Reproducible
#68 GetCompoundConstant logs without values michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#96 Start menu shortcuts of 1.08.5 left after installing 2.0 michaelhalloran defect major 2.0 wontfix
#97 File left behind when installing v2.0 on top of v1.08.5 michaelhalloran defect major 2.0 wontfix
#98 Notification that not all files have been deleted at uninstallation michaelhalloran enhancement major Development wontfix
#104 Version number of COLTT application not appearing in Add/Suppress programs michaelhalloran enhancement major fixed
#119 Elapsed time when logging michaelhalloran defect major Development Not fixable - PME Issue
#125 Dubious message upon error detection on GetCompoundConstant Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#126 Incomplete information out of GetComponentConstant call Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#131 Save called by COLTT not by PME michaelhalloran defect major Development Not Reproducible
#133 Warning - props argument is empty Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#135 get_ComponentIds called by COLTT but not declared as called by COLTT Michael Halloran defect major Development fixed
#142 Calls wrongly attributed to COLTT michaelhalloran defect major Development fixed
#73 Crash on get_MaterialTemplate michelpons defect critical Development fixed
#95 Is the logging of Duplicate accurate about the MO pointer? michaelhalloran defect critical Development fixed
#107 Issue with get_NamedList logging michaelhalloran defect critical 2.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.