Ticket #97 (closed defect: wontfix)
File left behind when installing v2.0 on top of v1.08.5
Reported by: | michelpons | Owned by: | michaelhalloran |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | 2.1 |
Component: | COLoggers | Version: | 2.0 |
Keywords: | Installer | Cc: |
The folder \"COLTT 1.08.5\" under C:
Program Files
has not been deleted since it contained additional files than the ones put there at installation (in my case backup of some DLLs) so it is understandable. Still file CAPE-OPENLogs.ini is part of the installation and should have been deleted from the 1.08.5 folder.
Change History
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous
- Milestone changed from 2.00 No dependency/Viewer/New installer to 2.01
comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by michelpons
- Status changed from new to closed
- Resolution set to wontfix
This issue is not relevant anymore with COLTT 2.1 since installing COLTT 2.1 does not uninstall any previous version. Two or more different versions of COLTT may coexist. However only the latest one will be usable.
To be closed.
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With COLTT v2.0 Build Sep 11, 2011 I have run the installer in a different machine where the 1.08.5 folder did not contain any file except the ones installed at installation plus CAPE-OPENLogs.ini. In fact it seems CAPE-OPENLogs.ini is not a file installed at first but it is somehow copied to the folder under Program Files after running the Controller. After running the v2.0 installer I am left with a 1.08.5 folder than contains only CAPE-OPENLogs.ini