Ticket #68 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

GetCompoundConstant logs without values

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: michaelhalloran
Priority: major Milestone: 2.1
Component: COLoggers Version: Development
Keywords: GetCompoundConstant Cc:


I am using the CO-LaN Property Package prototype in version 1.1 as a plug in Aspen Hysys 7.2. I am puzzled by the following: after a number of CheckEquilibrium calls, Aspen Hysys makes a number of GetCompoundConstant calls on the Property package. While in OATS, argument values of these calls are logged, in the COLTT log, no value of arguments is shown. Also, perhaps to deliver in the log the list of compounds, COLTT makes calls to GetCompoundList on top of what Aspen Hysys is requesting. These calls are returning an error.
This run has been made with the version built on Aug 16, 2010. I attach the log obtained with COLTT as well as the one obtained with OATS.


hysys_081710_093721.log (33.0 KB) - added by michelpons 15 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT built Aug 16, 2010
MyLog170810.olg (65.6 KB) - added by michelpons 15 years ago.
Log file obtained with OATS
hysys_061412_100637.log (31.2 KB) - added by michelpons 13 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 5, 2012

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT built Aug 16, 2010

Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with OATS

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

  • Milestone set to 1.09

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

I have tested the case with COLTT 2.1 Build June 5, 2012. I see a difference in the log file where now the following lines are showing up within the logging of a GetCompoundConstant:

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to GetCompoundConstant

GetCompoundConstant takes Input Arguments:

COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to GetCompoundList
COLTT <Anonymous> : Error returned from GetCompoundList - 0x80040501

Warning - compIds argument is empty

GetCompoundConstant returns:

Property Compounds ValueReturned

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Return from GetCompoundConstant - Succeeded

There is now a warning message about the compIds argument being empty. I still don't agree with the way it is handled. Before making the call to GetCompoundList, why isn't there a print at least of the property name? Same following \"getCompoundConstant returns:\", could we have the property name printed, something like \"EMPTY\" or \"UNDEFINED\" under \"Compounds\" and the vector of returned values printed?

Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 5, 2012

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by michaelhalloran

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Resolved by the fix to #16. Available in builds after 21 July 2012.

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