Ticket #131 (closed defect: Not Reproducible)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Save called by COLTT not by PME

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: michaelhalloran
Priority: major Milestone: 2.1
Component: COLoggers Version: Development
Keywords: Save Cc:


I am using DWSIM in which the CAPE-OPEN C++ Sample mixer is connected to two inlet streams and one outlet stream. I am just opening the case then clicking on the icon representing the UO, then exiting from DWSIM WITHOUT saving the file when asked by DWSIM. It gives a rather short log file where the most surprising point is that, at the end of it, one sees a call by COLTT on IPersistStream.Save while there is no such call made by the PME on the UO. I wonder why such a call is made and succeeds.


Connected.dwsim (197.7 KB) - added by michelpons 13 years ago.
DWSIM case file
dwsim_062912_212353.log (14.8 KB) - added by michelpons 13 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012

Change History

Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

DWSIM case file

Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

Should mention that DWSIM is at version 2.1. First install DWSIM_bin_v21_b4503_lite.exe so build 4503. Then replace some files from build 4503 with the ones in DWSIM_bin_v21_patch_b4503_to_4534.zip so from build 4534.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by michaelhalloran

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to Not Reproducible

I cannot reproduce the Save call but with the fix to 118 calls on the persistence interface are correctly attributed to the PMC or to COLTT. DWSIM logs now show the persistence calls correctly with only the error logging statements attributed to COLTT.

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