Custom Query (122 matches)
Results (58 - 60 of 122)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#120 | fixed | COLTT Property Package Final Release | Michael Halloran | michelpons |
Description |
The message \"COLTT Property Package Final Release\" is printed by COLTT within the log file. This message appears in the Viewer even if all COLTT entries have been asked to be hidden. If indeed it is an information generated by COLTT and not by the components interacting through CO interfaces, may be worth modifying it so that it is also hidden. |
#125 | fixed | Dubious message upon error detection on GetCompoundConstant | Michael Halloran | michelpons |
Description |
I am using Aspen Hysys 7.3 CP2 and a specially developed PPM based on the thermo examples distributed by CO-LaN. The PPM is returning an empty list of constant properties (return on GetConstPropList call) and then Aspen Hysys calls GetCompoundConstant. This apparently raises an error. COLTT 2.1 build June 5, 2012 says the followinh: PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to GetCompoundConstant
PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Return from GetCompoundConstant - Succeeded I think the compIds argument should not be a boolean. So may be the message has to be reversed (I don't know what Aspen Hysys is using though). Installer for the PPM as well as instructions to install and use will be delivered through other communication means. COLTT version 2.0 did not mention an error, i.e. no test was apparently made. |
#126 | fixed | Incomplete information out of GetComponentConstant call | Michael Halloran | michelpons |
Description |
I am investigating an issue that appeared initially when using an Aspen Properties Property Package out of version 7.3.2 from Aspen Plus in HTRI Xchanger Suite 6.0. I have transformed the scenario so that I am using COFE instead of XChanger. COFE crashes (with or without COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System) when accessing the info on a compound. The document expliciting the scenario will be emailed separately. I am puzzled by the lack of info showing from the GetComponentConstant calls. For example: PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to GetComponentConstant requesting these constants :
MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to get_ComponentIds
MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from get_ComponentIds - Succeeded PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : GetComponentConstant returns It looks like there is no return but I can't tell what is actually returned. At some point, when the property \"acentric factor\" is requested, COFE crashes. Can't tell why. I would appreciate if COLTT would show more. Don't know if it is possible. |