Ticket #71 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

PMC mentioned instead of PME for COSESimulationContext

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: michaelhalloran
Priority: major Milestone: 2.3
Component: COLoggers Version: Development
Keywords: SimulatioContext Cc:


I am using the NOOperation COUSCOUS UO in Aspen Plus 7.2. Early on in the log I see:

Simulation Context <B1> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304]
Simulation Context <B1> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

In that the NamedValueList property is a property of the ICapeCOSEUtilities class that is implemented as an interface on the PME (Aspen Plus). As it is written in the log, one could think that a call is made on an interface that belongs to the PMC (B1) while the call is made by the PMC on the PME. So the log should be something like:

Simulation Context <PME> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304]
Simulation Context <PME> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

If the name of the PME is not available. Still I think it is available since it is used to name the log file so:

Simulation Context <apmain> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304]
Simulation Context <apmain> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

Could be more logical.


apmain_082310_094542.zip (9.1 KB) - added by michelpons 15 years ago.
Zipped log file obtained with COLTT built Aug 18, 2010

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

Zipped log file obtained with COLTT built Aug 18, 2010

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

  • Milestone set to 1.10

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by michelpons

My belief is that this defect has been resolved with COLTT 2.2. I used the Cavett example flowheet in COFE to make a test:

Unit <Anonymous> : Call to put_simulationContext

put_simulationContext takes input argument: 001B0638

SimulationContext <COCO Simulation context (Document Cavett)> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface: ICapeCOSEUtilities

SimulationContext <COCO Simulation context (Document Cavett)> : Return from QueryInterface - succeeded
SimulationContext <COCO Simulation context (Document Cavett)> : Call to get_NamedValueList

get_NamedValueList returns:

SimulationContext <COCO Simulation context (Document Cavett)> : Return from get_NamedValueList - Succeeded
Unit <Anonymous> : Return from put_simulationContext - Succeeded

So now SimulationContext carries the name of the Simulation Context as provided by the PME. Consequently I close this ticket.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by michelpons

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
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