Ticket #60 (new defect)
Aspen Properties in COFE
Reported by: | michelpons | Owned by: | michaelhalloran |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | COLoggers | Version: | 1.08.4 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
I have made a simple test involving Aspen Plus 7.2 and COFE 2.01. First I have created a Property Package out of Aspen Plus, the well-known EthanolWater Property Package. Then I have selected this PP in COFE. Then in COFE I am using the Calculator (under Flowsheet menu). I ask for a density calculation on mixture for phase overall. Just after selecting overall phase COFE crashes. No temperature, pressure or composition has been given.
With the 1.08.4 official release of COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System, when selecting the Aspen Properties Thermo System in COFE, I get an error message: “Failed to initialize the requested thermo package: failed to create the requested package CAPE-OPEN v1.0 thermodynamic ICapeThermoSystem. Classe non enregistrée”. I don’t get any log file at all.
With the most recent build (1.08.5) of COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System, when selecting the Aspen properties Thermo System in COFE, COFE crashes. However I get a short log file (see attached). Its last entry is the call to Initialize on Aspen Properties Thermo System.
Change History
Changed 15 years ago by michelpons
- Attachment cofe_080210_190236.log added
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by michelpons
I have made a run of Aspen Properties Thermo System in Simulis Thermodynamics. It is the same version of Aspen Properties Thermo System as the one involved in the original scenario with COFE. Logging with COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System is fine and there are calls to Initialize methods on Aspen Properties Thermo System. However I don't see them mentioned as succeeded while there is such a return in the case where Initialize is called on the Property Package managed by the Thermo System. Is that an issue on the PMC side on within COLTT?
I attach to this ticket a log file of that run of Aspen Properties Thermo System in Simulis Thermodynamics.
Changed 15 years ago by michelpons
- Attachment excel_080310_233725.log added
Log file of Aspen Properties Thermo System in Simulis Thermodynamics launched from Excel
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by michaelhalloran
This is the same problem as issue #52 even though that relates to COMThermo. In both cases the ThermoSystem calls to Initialize and to Terminate do not return through COLTT; no error is returned and no exception is raised. As a result the \"Return\" statements are missing from the log and the Viewer does not display the file correctly. I think this needs a conversation with AspenTech. Could they reproduce these problems with COLTT to explain what is happening? The only alternative I can think of is that the Viewer assumes that this behaviour is consistent in Aspen Properties and COMThermo and I add logic so that the Viewer relies on the Return statement not being present in these two cases.
comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by michelpons
Tom Williams at PSE has added a call to Initialize on Thermo Systems plugged into gPROMS following my recommendation that this is the way to deal with Primary PMCs. Well with that modification, hopefully not released yet, I can't log anymore what happens between gPROMS and Aspen Properties Thermo System. The log stops on the call to Initialize on the PPM. So there is a need to move on this issue. Need help to formulate the issue with Aspentech.
comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons
The same issue occurs when logging a UniSim Thermo System in COFE. There is a crash within the call to Initialize. There may be some similarity between Aspen Hysys and UniSim Design but my recollection is that the Initialize method in UniSim Design has been implemented only recently, that is after the complete split between Honeywell Process Solutions and Aspentech over UniSim Design. So that is making the occurrence of this defect with UniSim Design Thermo System even more bizarre.
Changed 14 years ago by michelpons
- Attachment cofe_100810_231800.log added
Log file obtained with UniSim Thermo System in COFE
Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.04