Ticket #34 (new defect)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Aspen Hysys crashes on exit when PPDS PPM is logged

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: Michael Halloran
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: COLoggers Version: Development
Keywords: Cc: michaelhalloran


This ticket uses material from Ticket#01.

I have a successful run in Aspen Hysys making use of a PPDS 1.1 Property Package: although there are a number of error messages displayed during the simulation, the simulation is announced as converged by Aspen Hysys. This is with or without COLTT enabled on PPDS Property Package Manager.

When exiting Aspen Hysys without saving the case, Aspen Hysys terminates nicely if COLTT is not enabled on PPDS PPM while it crashes when COLTT is enabled on PPDS PPM:

hysys.exe - Erreur d'application

L'instruction à \"0x0a216bf3\" emploie l'adresse mémoire \"0x0a2b20c0\". La mémoire ne peut pas être \"read\".
Cliquez sur OK pour terminer le programme.


hysys.exe - Erreur d'application

L'instruction à \"0x0a216e94\" emploie l'adresse mémoire \"0x0a89c604\". La mémoire ne peut pas être \"read\".
Cliquez sur OK pour terminer le programme.


I have attached the log file obtained with COLTT.


hysys_110409_122843.zip (35.8 KB) - added by michelpons 15 years ago.
Zipped log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.3 Build Oct 27, 2009
hysys_070410_162919.log (1.3 KB) - added by anonymous 15 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.4
hysys_070410_163440.log (829 bytes) - added by michelpons 15 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.5 Build June 30, 2010
hysys_060211_173945.log (946 bytes) - added by michelpons 14 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.05 Build May 30, 2011
hysys_060311_141820.log (876 bytes) - added by michelpons 14 years ago.
Log file obtained with modified DLLs as of June 2, 2011

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

Zipped log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.3 Build Oct 27, 2009

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

  • Version changed from 1.08.3 to 1.08.4

I have rerun the scenario with COLTT version 1.08.4. The scenario is not exactly the same as I have no more a PPDS license to be used. So Aspen Hysys detects that something is wrong with the Property Package rather than making a calculation run. Still I have the same behaviour as in the original scenario: Aspen Hysys crashes on exit when the PPDS PPM is logged while there is no crash when PPDS PPM is not logged. I attach the log file obtained.

Changed 15 years ago by anonymous

Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.4

Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.5 Build June 30, 2010

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by michelpons

  • Version changed from 1.08.4 to Development

I have run also the limited scenario with COLTT 1.08.5 Build June 30, 2010 and I observe the same behaviour with respect to Aspen Hysys crashing on exit. I have attached the corresponding log file to this ticket.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

I have re-run the scenario using COLTT 1.08.05 Build May 30, 2011. When COLTT is enabled on PPDS Property Package Manager, there is a different behaviour from Aspen Hysys. I use the CUT-DOWN LOOP-PPDSbeforerun.hsc input file that is supposed to use a PPDS Property Package. I have no license of PPDS left and the loading finds out that the PP can't be accessed. Every looks the same when COLTT is used and when COLTT is not used except at the very end, when exiting Aspen Hysys without save. Without COLTT enabled on PPDS PPM, the PPDS license is released (the license manager closes by itself) and there is no error message. With COLTT enabled on the PPDS PPM, the PPDS license is not released and I get two error messages from Aspen Hysys. Two instructions in Aspen Hysys access memory which can't be read. I attach the short log file obtained. My guess is that, in the communication between PMC and PME, COLTT intercepts something but does not transfer exactly the same thing to the PME.

Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT 1.08.05 Build May 30, 2011

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

you will find attached a new log file obtained with the modified DLLs originally mentioned as referring to TRAC ticket#39. There is a line about AddRef in the log. I have noticed the following, which is not related to the modification of DLLs: without COLTT enabled on PPDS PPM, after exiting Aspen Hysys, the PPDS license is released but a process named hysys.exe remains forever on the machine. While, when COLTT is enabled on PPDS PPM, I get the error messages mentioned when documenting the issue, but the hysys.exe process does not remain after closing Aspen Hysys. What remains open is the license manager for PPDS. Don't know if this can help.

Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with modified DLLs as of June 2, 2011

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons

  • Milestone set to 1.09

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

  • Milestone changed from 2.1 to 2.2
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