Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#130 duplicate Repeated calls by COLTT on persistence interfaces Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012 enabled on a TEA Thermo System and a COUSCOUS Mixer in PRO/II 9.1. I start from a case file where the TEA Thermo System and one of its PP has already been declared and two material streams have been defined. Then I drop the COUCOUS Mixer on the flowsheet, connect inlet ports and the outlet ports and then I run the simulation which ends up with no error. Parsing through the log file obtained, I am puzzled by the following sequence:

COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistPropertyBag

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStorage

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStreamInit

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStream

COLTT <CO1> : Return from QueryInterface - Succeeded COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistPropertyBag

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStorage

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStreamInit

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStream

COLTT <CO1> : Return from QueryInterface - Succeeded COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistPropertyBag

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStorage

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStreamInit

COLTT <CO1> : Error returned from QueryInterface - 0x80004002 COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStream

COLTT <CO1> : Return from QueryInterface - Succeeded COLTT <CO1> : Call to QueryInterface

Requested Interface : IPersistStream

COLTT <CO1> : Return from QueryInterface - Succeeded COLTT <CO1> : Call to IPersistStream.Save COLTT <CO1> : Return from IPersistStream.Save - Succeeded

It seems there are repeated calls on the same interface by COLTT and that the failure to find this or that interface on the UO is not accounted for by COLTT which repeats on and on the same calls. This sequence seems to occur several times and since the overall logging takes quite longer than the simulation wothout any log, I was wondering if unnecessary calls were made by COLTT and if so could be discarded.

#131 Not Reproducible Save called by COLTT not by PME michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using DWSIM in which the CAPE-OPEN C++ Sample mixer is connected to two inlet streams and one outlet stream. I am just opening the case then clicking on the icon representing the UO, then exiting from DWSIM WITHOUT saving the file when asked by DWSIM. It gives a rather short log file where the most surprising point is that, at the end of it, one sees a call by COLTT on IPersistStream.Save while there is no such call made by the PME on the UO. I wonder why such a call is made and succeeds.

#133 fixed Warning - props argument is empty Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012 enabled on Aspen Properties v7.2 in COFE. I start from the attached bkp file which, once launched in Aspen Plus, permits the creation of a CAPE-OPEN Property package. Then I launch COFE, selects Aspen Properties Thermo System and then the EtOHWater PP just created. Next I am using the \"calculator\" within the \"Flowsheet\" menu of COFE. I choose to calculate a property, density for phase \"overall\". I get a crash that I investigate with COLTT. What does not seem right to me with COLTT is the warning message appearing with the call to CalcEquilibrium. It says \"Warning - props argument is empty\". I don't see the purpose of such a warning since it is usual to have no property requested on a CalcEquilibrium call. This warning should not be there.

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