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#36 fixed 09-007 Anonymous versus real name Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


De: Michael Halloran [michaeljhalloran@…] Envoyé: Saturday, April 25, 2009 7:40 PM À: Michel Pons Cc: Ahsan Akhtar Objet: Re: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004 Michel,

You'll notice that the calls which use anonymous as the name are all on the ICapeUtilities Interface which is a separate logger in 1.08 after the refactoring. The problem is that this logger hasn't been told that the name of the unit has changed.

Ahsan, there needs to be a mechanism to pass the name of the owning PMC to all aggregated loggers when the name is changed. It should be similar to SetLoggedComponent but it only needs to pass name. It needs to be called from put_PMCName. Could you investigate?

Regards Michael =========================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:28 AM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar' Cc: 'michaeljhalloran@…' Objet: FW: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004

Pièces jointes: hysys_041009_170955.log


I was not able to pinpoint which of the « old » issues this was related to. So please consider this as issue 09-007 till one knows better.

Best regards

Michel =============================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 5:54 PM À: 'Michael Halloran' Cc: 'Ahsan Akhtar' Objet: RE: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004

Pièces jointes: hysys_041009_170955.log


Please find attached a log of a MatLabUO in Aspen Hysys v7.1 as logged with COLTT v1.08.02.

I don’t see a difference between having MatLabUO logged and not logged. I get the same kind of errors displayed by Aspen Hysys.

Still I am a bit bewildered by the fact that once Aspen Hysys has put CO-100 as component name,

Unit <Anonymous> : Call to put_ComponentName Unit put_ComponentName puts: CO-100 Unit <CO-100> : Return from put_ComponentName - No Error

I still get now and then <Anonymous> to be used as name for the UO:

Unit <Anonymous> : Call to get_parameters

Unit <Anonymous> : Return from get_parameters - No Error

Unit <Anonymous> : Call to Edit Unit <Anonymous> : Return from Edit - No Error

Amidst numerous entries using <CO-100> as the Unit name. I think this is an old issue though.

Best regards


#35 fixed 09-004 Thermo System considered as PPM when logged Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


De: Ahsan Akhtar [ahsan.akhtar@…] Envoyé: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:38 AM À: 'Michel Pons'; 'Michael Halloran' Objet: RE: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004


I will get back to you after the debug session which I am going to start in few minutes.

Best Regards

Ahsan =========================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:34 AM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar'; 'Michael Halloran' Objet: RE: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004


My point is the following : the end-user that I represent selects to enable logging on a Thermo System called Simulis Thermodynamics. After this decision, Simulis Thermodynamics should not be considered as a Property Package Manager by COLTT whatever the GUID. And the Property Package used should be considered a 1.0 PP and not a 1.1 PP.

Am I missing something?

Best regards

Michel ============================================================= De: Ahsan Akhtar [ahsan.akhtar@…] Envoyé: Monday, April 13, 2009 12:29 PM À: 'Michael Halloran'; 'Michel Pons' Objet: RE: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004


I think that COLTT won't be able to handle it properly as Simulis Thermodynamics can act both as a Thermo System(1.0) and as a Property Package Manager(1.1) under the same GUID. Though, I have numbered it as 09-004 mistakenly but actually it is the same issue as 08-169.

Best Regards

Ahsan ============================================================= De: Ahsan Akhtar [sidathyder5@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 6:52 PM À: Michel Pons Objet: Re: VS2008 Express edition Michel,

Yes, fine with me

Best regards

Ahsan ========================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 6:03 PM À: 'sidathyder5@…' Objet: RE: VS2008 Express edition


Both virtual machines, COLTT09-003 and COLTT09-004, have been equipped with VS 2008 C++ Express Edition and the relevant PMCs and PME for each case.

I will send you an invitation for the session. No need for you to connect to PCNow website. Will be able to start at 08:30 AM Paris time. Is that fitting your schedule?

Best regards

Michel ============================================================ De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:39 AM À: 'sidathyder5@…' Objet: RE: VS2008 Express edition


Just to be sure we understand each other : I can only install the Express Edition not the full edition for VS2008.

Best regards

Michel ============================================================= De: Ahsan Akhtar [sidathyder5@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:27 AM À: Michel Pons Objet: Re: VS2008 Express edition Yes, Pls install VS2008, relevant PME and PMC on the VM.

Best Regards

Ahsan ========================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:09 AM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar' Cc: 'Michael Halloran' Objet: VS2008 Express edition


What should I do in the virtual machines set up for issues 09-003 and 09-004? Should I install VS 2008 C++ Express Edition in there? I need to do this today if you will need it on Tuesday.

Best regards

Michel =========================================================== De: Ahsan Akhtar [ahsan.akhtar@…] Envoyé: Thursday, April 09, 2009 2:55 PM À: 'Michel Pons' Objet: New Issues


I have recorded following issue in the register:

09-002 Suspected memory leak problem in the utility program provided by CO-LAN 09-003 When COLTT is enabled on Unit Operation made with the FORTRAN Wizard in Aspen Hysys v7.1, Aspen Hysys closes down because of a crash after accepting the UO. 09-004 When COLTT is enabled on Simulis Thermodynamics Thermo System in Aspen Hysys 2004, upon loading the same Aspen Hysys case file, a message 'ERROR: Internal error creating a CAPEOPEN property package' is being displayed.

Is it possible that I can debug issue 09-003 and 09-004 on CO-LaN laptop coming Monday? (please note that I will need VS2008 on the laptop).

Best Regards

Ahsan ============================================================ De: Michael Halloran [michaeljhalloran@…] Envoyé: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:40 PM À: Michel Pons Cc: Ahsan Akhtar Objet: Re: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004 Michel,

Do you have any example where COLTT 1.08 works in Hysys as you would expect? The reason I ask is that the log attached here ends at exactly the same point as the log you attached to the previous case which involved a Unit Operation. I'm wondering whether these two have something in common even though they involve a Unit and a Property Package.

Regards Michael ============================================================= De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:07 AM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar' Cc: 'Michael Halloran' Objet: Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004


I have a combination of PMC/PME being investigated by request of Air Liquide, a CO-LaN Full Member : it is Simulis Thermodynamics in Aspen Hysys 2004. The test is made on a full scale process model which is proprietary of Air Liquide.

There are issues with the model being used. These issues seem more model related, meaning of thermodynamic nature, than CAPE-OPEN related. However using COLTT should help in figuring the sequence of calls/values that lead to a problem.

I have installed COLTT v1.08 within the virtual machine used for the interoperability tests. I have an Aspen Hysys case that contains already the reference to the Simulis Thermodynamics Property Package. When reloading this case, without COLTT enabled on Simulis Thermodynamics Thermo System (1.0 interfaces are used here), I get the following error messages in Aspen Hysys trace window:

CAPE-OPEN P. Package 'Bender-Kiwi (corrected Mu)' error: <<The CAPE-OPEN Property Package 'Bender-Kiwi (corrected Mu)(from 'CalculatorPackageManager.ThrmStarDustPK')' raised an exception while calling CalcProp

Error in ICapeThermoPropertyPackage.CalcEquilibrium

CO Calculation Exception (Code: 0)

FlashTS : an error has occured during calculation.Contact this component's vendor. Detected while calculating {(surfaceTension), (VaporLiquid), Mixture}. Material Object contents: L, T(K), 358.759992, P(Pa), 1018747.946722, C, 0.7811, 9.3e-003, 0.2096>>

CAPE-OPEN P. Package 'Bender-Kiwi (corrected Mu)' error: <<The CAPE-OPEN Property Package 'Bender-Kiwi (corrected Mu)(from 'CalculatorPackageManager.ThrmStarDustPK')' raised an exception while calling CalcProp

Error in ICapeThermoPropertyPackage.CalcEquilibrium

CO Calculation Exception (Code: 0)

FlashTS : an error has occured during calculation.Contact this component's vendor. Detected while calculating {(surfaceTension), (VaporLiquid), Mixture}. Material Object contents: L, T(K), 358.759992, P(Pa), 1018747.946722, C, 0.7811, 9.3e-003, 0.2096>>

So everything is not fine for sure but use of Simulis Thermodynamics is attempted a large number of times (the model is very large in terms of blocks and streams) and just a few calls are not working properly.

Now, when enabling COLTT v1.08 on Simulis Thermodynamics Thermo System, I get, immediately upon loading the same Aspen Hysys case file, the following message box:

Hyprotech's CAPE-OPEN tool

ERROR: Internal error creating a CAPEOPEN property package


I get a very short COLTT log file:


  • Call on a given Object is indicated by 'Object<[Object Name]>: Call to [method name]'. *
  • Input arguments and returned values(if any) are then indicated. *
  • End of the call is indicated by 'Object<[Object Name]>: Return from [method name] - Error Status'. *

Log generated by C:
Program Files
Aspen HYSYS 2004

Using configuration from C:
Program Files

ClassFactory : Loading Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) implemented by


ClassFactory : Created instance of Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) successfully

You may see above that Simulis Thermodynamics can act both as a Thermo System and as a Property Package Manager. Would that be a problem for COLTT? COLTT has been enabled on Simulis Thermodynamics as a Thermo System, hence a 1.0 PMC.

I would like you to give a number to this issue for further referencing. I will keep aside the virtual machine in which this happens should you want to take a look. Beware however that this virtual machine has no development tool installed as of now.

Best regards

Michel =========================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:27 PM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar' Cc: 'michaeljhalloran@…' Objet: Logging of Simulis Thermodynamics


I am using COLTT v1.07 and I try to log Simulis Thermodynamics. This component acts both as a Thermo System 1.0 and a Property Package Manager 1.1. In COLTT controller I enable logging on Simulis Thermodynamics as a Thermo System 1.0 because it will be used as such by a PME.

However COLTT is considering subsequently Simulis Thermodynamics as a PPM and says almost immediately in the log that call to ICapeThermoSystem not supported in COLTT, meaning that the logger used is a PPM logger. Something seems wrong to me here. Even if the PMC supports both 1.0 and 1.1 interfaces, the decision taken by the COLTT user within the controller should be respected.

Has this been corrected in v1.08 with the refactoring?

Best regards


#32 fixed SetFontCellColor error Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


With COLTT 1.08.3 Build Oct 27, 2009 enabled on GLCC UO in Aspen Hysys, I get at first the same error messages as with GLCC UO alone (related to array parameters) but then I have a stream of error messages about SetFontCellColor error that I don't get with GLCC alone. I obtain a log file (hysys_110309_150132.log attached as zip) but the behavior is wrong. Attached is also screenshots of the scenario played ( in a RTF file.

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