Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 worksforme OATS in Aspen Plus michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


Without COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, a Property Package logged through OATS can't be imported in Aspen Plus: the Property Package is not listed as available. With COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, the Property Package under OATS appears as importable in Aspen Plus and a simple scenario involving this PP can be played in Aspen Plus. OATS is at, Aspen Plus is at 7.1 and COLTT is Aug 1, 2010 build. Attached are the log files obtained from COLTT and OATS. Enabling COLTT on OATS should not change OATS behaviour. At the same time this scenario shows that out of proc applications may now be logged with COLTT.

#71 fixed PMC mentioned instead of PME for COSESimulationContext michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


I am using the NOOperation COUSCOUS UO in Aspen Plus 7.2. Early on in the log I see:

Simulation Context <B1> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304] Simulation Context <B1> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

In that the NamedValueList property is a property of the ICapeCOSEUtilities class that is implemented as an interface on the PME (Aspen Plus). As it is written in the log, one could think that a call is made on an interface that belongs to the PMC (B1) while the call is made by the PMC on the PME. So the log should be something like:

Simulation Context <PME> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304] Simulation Context <PME> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

If the name of the PME is not available. Still I think it is available since it is used to name the log file so:

Simulation Context <apmain> : Call to get_NamedValueList[1304] Simulation Context <apmain> : Error returned from get_NamedValueList - 0x80040509[1304]

Could be more logical.

#43 fixed PME aborts in get_Reports Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


I am using a UO built by IFP within COFE 1.15. The UO is a 3-phase separator. When the UO is not logged, the calculation goes to its end but COFE displays warnings about properties not set. So I enabled COLTT on the UO and reran the case. With COLTT enabled on the UO, I can drop the UO in the flowsheet, I can connect the inlet port and the three outlet ports to streams, but COFE aborts when I double-click on the icon representing the UO. The Edit method of the UO is not implemented and normally the generic UO interface from COFE should have appeared so that I may give values to the UO parameters.

The attached COLTT log shows that the logging stops in get_Reports. I attach also the COFE document from where I start. The installer for the UO is too large to be attached and will be delivered through a file server.

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