Custom Query (122 matches)


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Reported by michelpons, 9 years ago.


I have a PME returning 0x8004051a to a CalcsinglePhaseProp call: PropertyPackage <WaterEthanol> : Call to CalcSinglePhaseProp

CalcSinglePhaseProp takes input Arguments:

Property Phase POH Liquid

MaterialObject <1> : Call to GetPresentPhases

GetPresentPhases returns:


MaterialObject <1> : Return from GetPresentPhases - Succeeded MaterialObject <1> : Call to GetTPFraction

GetTPFraction takes Input Argument:

The Phase: Liquid

GetTPFraction returns:

Phase Temperature Pressure Composition

Liquid 298.15 101325 0.9


MaterialObject <1> : Return from GetTPFraction - Succeeded COLTT <WaterEthanol> : Windows error code returned is: 0x8004051a - not known COLTT <WaterEthanol> : No error information available, call to GetErrorInfo returned: 0x1 PropertyPackage <WaterEthanol> : Error returned from CalcSinglePhaseProp - 0x8004051a PropertyPackage <WaterEthanol> : Call to get_description PropertyPackage <WaterEthanol> : Description: pO v CALUPP failed to calculate properties that may be caused by missing parameters or other reasons, please see history file. PropertyPackage <WaterEthanol> : Return from get_description – Succeeded

This is read by COLTT as a Windows error and not as a CAPE-OPEN error. It should be read as a CAPE-OPEN error.


Reported by michelpons, 7 years ago.


in a Win 8.1 Enterprise N machine, after an apparently successful installation of first the x86 version of COLTT and then of the 64-bit version, launching the 64-bit controller leads to an error message: the mfc120.dll file is indicated as missing.


Reported by michaelhalloran, 15 years ago.


The scenario involves mostly a TP flash with accompanying property calculations. In the log file I have:

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to CalcEquilibrium requesting a TP flash:

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to GetNumComponents

MaterialObject GetNumComponents returns 2

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from GetNumComponents - No Error

To finally end with:

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to SetProp :

Property Phase--- Basis--- Calc---- New value

volume Liquid mole Mixture 0.000022776

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from SetProp - No Error

PropertyPackage Flashtype: TP

PropertyPackage Properties: enthalpy, volume

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Return from CalcEquilibrium - No Error

My point is that the lines:

PropertyPackage Flashtype: TP

PropertyPackage Properties: enthalpy, volume

Appear way too long after stating that a CalcEquilibrium is called. I would prefer, for the readibility of the log to have:

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to CalcEquilibrium requesting a TP flash:

PropertyPackage Flashtype: TP

PropertyPackage Properties: enthalpy, volume

And then

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to GetNumComponents

MaterialObject GetNumComponents returns 2

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from GetNumComponents - No Error

I have logged this issue as COLTT 09-020.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.