Ticket #39 (new defect)

Opened 15 months ago

Last modified 15 months ago

interface pointer pointer for CopyPetroProperties

Reported by: jasper Owned by: michelpons
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Build script Version: 2.0
Keywords: Cc:


The member:

[helpstring("Initializes the set of Petroleum Property values from another Material Object")]
HRESULT CopyPetroProperties(

[in] CapeInterface* source);


Below "#define" is still needed: import statement does not import preprocessor directives
#define CapeInterface LPDISPATCH

So effectively source is an IDispach , which is nice if the implementer of this object is allowed to change the source, but it is not. It should be an IDispatch *, so the correct signature is

[helpstring("Initializes the set of Petroleum Property values from another Material Object")]
HRESULT CopyPetroProperties(

[in] CapeInterface source);

The error stems from the fact that this is copied from ICapeThermoMaterial::CopyFromMaterial, which has the same signature problem.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 months ago by jasper

fixed with revision 150

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