Ticket #38 (new task)

Opened 15 months ago

Last modified 15 months ago

Add timestamp algorithm for build signature

Reported by: kyle Owned by: michelpons
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Build script Version: 2.0
Keywords: Cc:


I'm running into some trouble with building the signed version of the TLB\PIA Installers.

I'm currently using a Windows 11 machine and it appears that there is now a forced change to the signing tool. The new version requires that a timestamp algorithm be specified in addition the digest algorithm. (See the error below)

This is not a complicated fix. It will require a change to all the files that specify a post build signature to include the argument /td SHA1​ which is the existing behaviour. Alternatively, we could also use the /td SHA256​ algorithm for the timestamp which is recommended.

Build fail Example:
"Build FAILED.

"C:\Workspaces\COLAN\IDL\colan_coidl\Trunk\CompanionDLL\CompanionDLL.vcxproj" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
(PostBuildEvent target) ->

EXEC : SignTool error : No file timestamp algorithm specified. Please specify the timestamp algorithm with the /td flag. Using /td SHA256 is recommended and more secure than SHA1. Calling signtool with /td sha1 is equivalent to the previous behavior. [C:\Workspaces\COLAN\IDL\colan_coidl\Trunk\CompanionDLL\Com


Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 months ago by mbruno

Hi, Kyle. I've added the /td SHA256. Can you please try again using the latest code (revision 147)? I am not able to test since I do not have access to the signing certificate.

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