Ticket #218 (new enhancement)

Opened 5 months ago

Last modified 4 months ago

Provide shortcut out of thread COM marshaling or remove comments

Reported by: jasper Owned by: jasper
Priority: minor Milestone: Backlog
Component: COMBIA Version:
Keywords: Cc:


There are comments in the COM marshaler to provide a short-cut between COM's in-thread marshaler and COBIA's remote (out of thread, out of process, ...) marshaler.

Whether this shortcut is to be provided however should be discussed in the SIG.

It could be marginally faster at excution time. At the cost of more complex code to maintain.


COMMarshalShortcut.pptx (37.3 KB) - added by jasper 4 months ago.

Change History

Changed 4 months ago by jasper

comment:1 Changed 4 months ago by jasper

The attached PPT illustrates the place for the possible shortcut.

  • what we gain is saving outselves a function call that passes COBIA types arguments over a proxy interface; this is not a big gain
  • another possible gain can be made by not translating the COM arguments to COBIA types on the COM side of the COBIA marshaler. This approach however would require the COBIA serializer to be able to serialize COM typed data over the COBIA pipeline. Which introduces significant coding and maintenance overhead and adds an additional layer of complexity. More-over, we do not know how much time is consumed by the COBIA memory allocation and copying COM data into COBIA memory.

Without further investigation, Michael & Jasper (M&T SIG) are of the opinion that it is not worth the effort.

We can park this item until a business case arises to look into it?

comment:2 Changed 4 months ago by kyle

  • Milestone changed from Phase III WP1 to Backlog
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