Ticket #74 (closed enhancement: fixed)
Log of error interfaces on Port following Disconnect failing
Reported by: | michelpons | Owned by: | michaelhalloran |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | 2.2 |
Component: | COLoggers | Version: | Development |
Keywords: | Disconnect Errors | Cc: |
I set up a scenario in Aspen Plus 7.2 where I reload a saved case where a COUSCOUS splitter is configured with three outlets. All ports are connected to streams. During the reload of the case, the call to Disconnect on each of the UO Port fails: \"Error returned from Disconnect - 0x80040501\". I don't see COLTT attempting to call the error handling interfaces on the Port. My understanding is that a Port should implement the error handling interfaces and so could be queried for further information. I attach the log file obtained.
Change History
Changed 15 years ago by michelpons
- Attachment apmain_090110_104251.zip added
Changed 14 years ago by michaelhalloran
- Attachment cofe_061111_183457.log added
COFE log with additional error interface calls from COLTT
comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by michaelhalloran
COLTT does not consistently call error interfaces when an error is returned by a method. Adding them would mean that COLTT is making additional calls to the PMC when the expectation is that the PME should make those calls anyway in which case they would be logged. Possibly the best answer is to make calls to error interfaces from COLTT an option but also to flag them as COLTT calls so that they can be filtered in the Viewer. I've attached a log with an example of what that produces for an error on Disconnect.
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by michelpons
- Type changed from defect to enhancement
I think what you did makes sense: additional calls made by COLTT on the PMC should be as minimal as possible. Any additional call on top of what the PME requests may alter the behaviour of the PMC. Now the additional calls made by COLTT provide additional information that may be useful. Being able to switch on and off these additional calls would be a plus. Would that switch be limited to error interfaces or to all additional calls (COLTT uses in its own get_ValStatus for example)? I guess the switch has to go in the Controller somehow, may be with a box to be ticked/unticked on the right of the box that permits to enable logging on a PMC.
comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by michaelhalloran
- Status changed from new to closed
- Resolution set to fixed
This was fixed at the 2.0 release. The release notes describe it as:
COLTT configuration supports a new option to force COLTT to call the CAPE-OPEN Error interfaces whenever an error is returned by a logged call to a PMC. The switch applies to all logged objects in a run. The option is set in the CAPE-OPENLogs.ini file which can be found in the COLTT log files directory. To force calls to CAPE-OPEN Error interfaces use:
to switch off COLTT calls to Error interfaces use:
Zipped COLTT file about Disconnect error returned