Ticket #159 (new defect)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

Consequence of location of log files not uninstalled

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: michaelhalloran
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: COLoggingController Version: 2.1
Keywords: Log folder Cc:


When uninstalling COLTT on a machine, and then re-installing the same version, the folder serving as location for the log files is kept. This is explicit when the folder location has been changed after the first installation. Uninstalling COLTT should not lead to deleting exiting log files for sure, but if the folder kept is not existing, it is not created after the second COLTT installation, leading to no log files being created anymore. Somehow a different strategy should be envisioned. For example, some check should be made after installation or during installation that the folder chosen exists and if it does not exist, the end-user could be asked to validate creation of the folder.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by michaelhalloran

If there is no .ini file then COLTT will put log files in %LOCALAPPDATA%
If there is a .ini file then COLTT will use the value of log4j.appender.A1.File for the location of log files.
The .ini file is no longer installed at release 2.1, so in a clean installation COLTT relies only on its internal default settings. The intention is that a .ini can be written to override those only when needed.
Is this issue here that the directory referred to in a .ini file doesn't exist or that %LOCALAPPDATA%
COLTT Logs doesn't exist after the second installation?

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