Ticket #134 (new enhancement)

Opened 13 years ago

Eliminating log entries about not supported interfaces

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: Michael Halloran
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: COLoggers Version: Development
Keywords: Unsupported interfaces Cc: michaelhalloran


Like in the attached log file it may happen with a number of PMEs that attempts to use various non CAPE-OPEN interfaces on a PMC arise very often. COLTT creates a line each time this happens, telling the end-user that this interface use can't be logged. While informative it has a tendancy to clutter the log file when one line truly related to a CAPE-OPEN interface is followed by 5 or 6 lines that do not refer to any CAPE-OPEN interface.
I would propose to let the end-user configure the log with or without messages about non COLTT-supported interfaces. This would happen in the controller and would be passed in the ini file somehow. Another solution is to develop an adequate filter. Having both solutions would be ideal since I need most of the time to extract parts of a log file to explain my analysis to a PME or a PMC developer.


apmain_071112_220658.zip (23.8 KB) - added by michelpons 13 years ago.
Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012

Change History

Changed 13 years ago by michelpons

Log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012

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