Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12 fixed License notice missing ahsanakhtar michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


Within COLTT 1.08.03 installation, the license notice is not the proper one. It should the OSL 3.0 one as attached.

#11 fixed 09-001 richtx32 ocx file not properly registered at installation ahsanakhtar michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


I have installed COLTT 1.08.03 in a machine with UniSim Design and Simulis Thermodynamics. When launching COLTT controller I got a debug assertion failed message. UniSim Design being very close to Aspen Hysys, I figured the issue was with richtx32.ocx not properly registered at installation. Indeed using regsvr32 on richtx32.ocx resolved the issue that was supposed to have been resolved in 1.08.03.

#10 fixed Logging enabling not stable ahsanakhtar michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


While trying to test ticket #8, I am faced with the following issue: I enable COLTT on Aspen Properties Thermo System using COLTT Controller. Then I close the controller. I reopen it and I see that Aspen Properties Thermo System is no longer logged.

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