Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 worksforme Incomplete view of method calls michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


The attached log file is obtained with the GLCC UO in Aspen Hysys 7.2. Using COLTT on the GLCC UO makes a number of error messages appear that do not exist without COLTT enabled on the GLCC UO (typically error setting cell color which is documented in a previous issue). When looking the log file with the Viewer, I can't locate the call to Calculate method which is in the log file.

#69 worksforme Discreminating between calls made by COLTT itself and by PME/PMC michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


The issue raised in Ticket#68 makes me feel that there is a need to clear discreminate between calls made by COLTT to obtain additional info in order to display better info in the log and calls made by PME/PMC. COLTT is supposed to trace the interaction between PME and PMCs so this interaction should be clearly delineated. Any call on top of that should be marked differently. The attached log files obtained with COLTT and OATS exemplify that GetCompoundList calls are added by COLTT to the interaction between PME and PMC.

#70 worksforme Multiple log entries about connecting a Port michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


I am using a Scilab UO from AmsterCHEM in Aspen Hysys 7.2. In the attached log file obtained with COLTT built of Aug 16, 2010, I see only once: Port <Feed 1> : Call to Connect Port <Feed 1> : Return from Connect - Succeeded

while in the attached screenshot obtaiend with COLTT Viewer, I see this entry repeated a number of times.

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