Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#28 worksforme 08-136 COUSCOUS UO in PRO/II 8.2 Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


I used COLTT 1.08.3 Build Oct 27, 2009 on a combination of PMC-PME that was used to document a defect in 2008 where it was impossible to get a log with COLTT 1.06. Logging is now possible with COLTT latest version.

The calculation does not run properly in PRO/II. This may be related to the fact that it is PRO/II 8.2 that is used here. I get an error message from PRO/II saying:

2 error(s), 0 warning(s), and 0 message(s) detected:

* error * Unit 1, 'co1' - the cape-open data file 'c:
unconnected_co1.Dat' was not found. * error * Unit 1, 'co1' - not all material ports are connected.

The COLTT log file (proii_103109_232827.log) is showing that disconnect calls on ports are raising exceptions:

Port <Outlet> : Return from get_portType - Succeeded Port <Inlet 1> : Call to Disconnect Port <Inlet 1> : Error returned from Disconnect - 0x80040501 Port <Inlet 2> : Call to Disconnect Port <Inlet 2> : Error returned from Disconnect - 0x80040501 Port <Outlet> : Call to Disconnect Port <Outlet> : Error returned from Disconnect - 0x80040501

PRO/II seems to choose not to investigate further the exception since no attempt seems to be made to get information on the error. However I am puzzled by the fact that COLTT does not try either. I thought that, whatever the PME behaviour regarding error handling, COLTT logger was supposed to call ECapeUser and so on in order to get at least a better description of the error. It does not seem to happen there so the log is not sufficiently informative.

#49 worksforme Error 1303 occurs when installing on Windows 7 or Vista Michael Halloran lich10hr

Reported by lich10hr, 15 years ago.


When attempting to install the 1.08 version of COLTT on a computer running Windows 7 or Vista, an error 1303 dialog occurs when attempting to install common controls to the WinSxS directory. You must then cancel the installation as it provides no option to get past the problem. Logging in as Adminstrator and/or setting compatibily mode to previous versions of Windows doesn't help. See the attached to view the error dialog.

#59 worksforme OATS in Aspen Plus michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


Without COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, a Property Package logged through OATS can't be imported in Aspen Plus: the Property Package is not listed as available. With COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, the Property Package under OATS appears as importable in Aspen Plus and a simple scenario involving this PP can be played in Aspen Plus. OATS is at, Aspen Plus is at 7.1 and COLTT is Aug 1, 2010 build. Attached are the log files obtained from COLTT and OATS. Enabling COLTT on OATS should not change OATS behaviour. At the same time this scenario shows that out of proc applications may now be logged with COLTT.

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