Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#118 fixed COLTT queries on persistence interfaces Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using PRO/II 8.2, in fact the material used a while ago for ticket #39. It involves also an old version of the COUSCOUS library (1.14). I am looking at the start of the log file. PRO/II queries in sequence about IPersistPropertyBag, IPersistStorage, IPersistStreamInit and IPersistStream. All queries, except the last one, return an error (0x800004002). Now the PME (PRO/II) knows that the UO supports only IPersistStream. COLTT is then releasing the PMC IPersistStream interface and then carries the same sequence of queries as the PME about the persistence interfaces. I wonder why there is not just a query on IPersistStream interface which has been found as present.

#119 Not fixable - PME Issue Elapsed time when logging michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


When using COLTT 2.1 Development Build on a CAPE-OPEN UO in PRO/II 8.3, I have been surprised by the time elapsed between mouse actions. Just the fact of dropping the UO on the flowsheet leads to several minutes of hour-glass presence. Same after connecting one stream: it takes several minutes before being able to make another action. And so on. I have compared this situation with the time elapsed when enabling COLTT 1.08.4 on the same UO. Everything takes then place within seconds so there is no much difference in overall elapsed time with and without COLTT enabled on the UO with that earlier version of COLTT. For sure the log file with COLTT 2.1 is approximately twice the size of the log file with COLTT 1.08.4. Consequently I would expect an elapsed time of twice the size but the ratio is here between 100 and 1000. The CAPE-OPEN UO is exhibiting a large number of parameters. Apart from that I don't see any other specificity. May be worth investigating because the situation with COLTT 2.1 leads to a too large difference in overall behaviour because of the delays between actions.

#120 fixed COLTT Property Package Final Release Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


The message \"COLTT Property Package Final Release\" is printed by COLTT within the log file. This message appears in the Viewer even if all COLTT entries have been asked to be hidden. If indeed it is an information generated by COLTT and not by the components interacting through CO interfaces, may be worth modifying it so that it is also hidden.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.