Custom Query (122 matches)
Results (79 - 81 of 122)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#99 | worksforme | Tags in ControllerView 2.0 less high than in previous versions | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
Have a look at the attached screenshots. I see a marked difference between the layout at the top of the main controller view between 1.08.5 Build July 17, 2011 and 2.0 Build Sep 10, 2011. The tags like \"About\" are less tall in 2.0 and it is less easy to access these then. |
#100 | worksforme | List of log files not displayed by Controller | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
One of the enhancements found in COLTT v2.0 is that the list of log files within the folder dedicated to host these files, is made available in the Controller so that the Viewer may be launched from there. As shown in the attachment, after installation, the COLTT folder is supposed to be the right one (as displayed in the Controller). Still no log files show up. It is only after having use the \"Change folder\" button in order to point to the very same location as the one displayed by default, that the log files appear. |
#101 | worksforme | Can't access a log file listed by Controller | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
After getting the list of log files in the Controller (see attachment Access logs Part 1.doc), I select the last log file obtained. Then I get an error message \"File not found\". After clicking OK to this message, the Viewer opens up with a blank view (see attachment Access logs Part 3.doc). Now if I call the Viewer outside from the controller and select the very same log file, it can be displayed. I am noticing that the name of the log file created by the Controller and passed on to the Viewer is wrong. This defect is obtained with COLTT v2.0 Build Sep 10, 2011. |