Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#49 worksforme Error 1303 occurs when installing on Windows 7 or Vista Michael Halloran lich10hr

Reported by lich10hr, 15 years ago.


When attempting to install the 1.08 version of COLTT on a computer running Windows 7 or Vista, an error 1303 dialog occurs when attempting to install common controls to the WinSxS directory. You must then cancel the installation as it provides no option to get past the problem. Logging in as Adminstrator and/or setting compatibily mode to previous versions of Windows doesn't help. See the attached to view the error dialog.

#163 fixed Error building COLoggers solution michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


Using commit 274: Controller and Viewer built with no problem. Error performing registration while building solution for COLoggers Debug. See attachment for log of solution generation.

#40 fixed Error log from ResolvePropertyPackage Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


While making a test of a Simulis Thermo System Property Package in UniSim Design, I made a mistake entering the IP address of the Simulis license server. Then I got a run involving a Simulis PP in UniSim Design to go wrong while the PP was logged with COLTT. The log shows:


  • Call on a given Object is indicated by 'Object<[Object Name]>: Call to [method name]'. *
  • Input arguments and returned values(if any) are then indicated. *
  • End of the call is indicated by 'Object<[Object Name]>: Return from [method name] - <Success Status>.' *

Log generated by C:
Program Files
UniSim Design R390
unisimdesign.exe Using configuration from C:
Program Files
CAPE-OPENLogs.ini COLTT Version is 1.08.4

ClassFactory : Loading Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) implemented by C:
THRMST~3.DLL ClassFactory : Created instance of Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) successfully ClassFactory : Logging enabled for Thermo System Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Call to GetPropertyPackages ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : GetPropertyPackages returns:

Bender-Kiwi-01-07-2009 Boite_froide_CO-1.0

ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Return from GetPropertyPackages - Succeeded ParameterCollection Parameter Collection Final Release... Simulation Context <Anonymous> : Final Release ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Final Release ClassFactory : Loading Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) implemented by C:
THRMST~3.DLL ClassFactory : Created instance of Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) successfully ClassFactory : Logging enabled for Thermo System Simulis CAPE-OPEN® Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1) ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Call to ResolvePropertyPackage ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : PropertyPackage to be resolved : Bender-Kiwi-01-07-2009

Bender-Kiwi-01-07-2009 is a valid package name

ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Error returned from ResolvePropertyPackage - 0x8007000e ParameterCollection Parameter Collection Final Release... Simulation Context <Anonymous> : Final Release ThermoSystem <Anonymous> : Final Release

To me it seems that there is no attempt by COLTT to retrieve info on the error. For sure the error code is not a CAPE-OPEN one still...

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