Custom Query (122 matches)


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Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am re-testing TRAC Ticket #16 with COLTT 1.08.05 Build July 17, 2011. The issue I have is that COLTT does not seem to recognize the CAPE-OPEN Property Package used as a CAPE-OPEN component. The COLTT log mentions that the component does not support the CO interfaces COLTT is able to log.

The component may be installed using the MSI found at:

The scenario is in Hysys but I wonder if this is in anyway related to the PME used because everything seems to go on correctly with Aspen Hysys: selecting the PP, selecting the flash, etc... I have attached the short log file obtained.


Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


When a call to the Item method on a Parameter Collection occurs the Viewer displays: Parameter Collection <C01> : Call to Item

Parameter Collection Item takes input argument: 1 Item returns : 1 : 0x129247d8

While for an Item method call on a Port Collection, the Viewer displays:

Port Collection <C01> : Call to Item

Item returns : FEED 1 : Ox12922440

So the input argument is missing in the Port Collection display. This has some importance when the Item method call fails. One does not know for the Port Collection which item has been called.


Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


There is at least one major commercial PME which is relying, but not only, on IPersistPropertyBag. Logging for this persistence interface is not supported by version 1.08.5 of COLTT. May be worth developing the suitable logger.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.