Custom Query (35 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3 worksforme Versions of TLB/PIA installed not mentioned michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


In the past 0.9 as well as 0.9.3 and 1.0/1.1 TLBs were installed if I consider what appeared in the Registry. The latest version of the TLB/PIA installed installs only version 1.0 and 1.1 of the TLBs and PIAs. I think it ought to be mentioned in the splash screen that these two versions are going to be installed. Somehow the text should say that it is both or nothing. The installer does not give a choice of which version to install and so far I don't see a difficulty here but somehow the text should be clear about it.

#14 fixed Title behind logo on removal screen michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


Clicking on "remove" leads to a screen appearing a short period of time where the title is hidden partly behind the CO-LaN logo. The text should be apart from the logo.

#9 fixed Text on top of screen for selection between user and machine installs michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


The text on top of the screen where the user selects between per-user and per-machine installations says "Choose the installation scope and folder". While the choice made by the user will have consequences on which folders are used to store the TLBs and PIAs, this is a behind the scene consequence and the user is not proposed a choice of folder per se, something that the title may let the user thinks is proposed. So I recommend that "Choose the installation scope" is the title displayed.

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