Custom Query (35 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#15 fixed CAPE-OPEN PIA definition of ICAPEUtilities::Edit method is incorrect michelpons michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 8 years ago.


Reported by Jasper van Baten

ICAPEUtilities Edit returns S_FALSE when no change is made during an edit operation. The .net PIA therefore needs to return the HRESULT directly rather than converting it to an exception in the event of an error.

#21 fixed Install fails with message: "The System cannot open the device or file specified" michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 8 years ago.


A user was able to install from one directory but not another. The explanation turned out to be that for the directory that failed only the user had rwx permission, but not SYSTEM and the Administrators group. It seems that msiexec needs SYSTEM or admin permission in the source directory to be able to install successfully.

#19 fixed Wrong VTABLE IPersistStream jasper

Reported by jasper, 8 years ago.


Decompiling the interface, I see

#region Assembly CAPE-OPENv1-1-0.dll, v1.1.0.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\CAPE-OPEN\Reference Assemblies\CAPE-OPENv1-1-0.dll #endregion

using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;

namespace CAPEOPEN {

[ComVisible(false)] [Guid("00000109-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IPersistStream : IPersist {

void GetSizeMax(out long pcbSize); int IsDirty(); void Load(IStream pStm); void Save(IStream pStm, bool fClearDirty);



The propert VTABLE order is {IsDirty,Load,Save,GetSizeMax}. As a result attempting to call Save actually calls GetSizeMax in the above interface.

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