Ticket #26 (closed enhancement: fixed)

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Arrangements of sections in main page

Reported by: michelpons Owned by: jasper
Priority: minor Milestone: Phase II
Component: COBIA SDK Reference Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


The section on COBIA-COM interoperability mentions component registration while the section on CAPE-OPEN registry comes much further down. Two options here: move the section on CAPE-OPEN registry before the section on COBIA-COM interoperability while keeping the section on COMBIA where it is now or move down the section on COMBIA, below where the section on the CAPE-OPEN registry is. This main page begins as high level stuff then dives in details such as basic data types before going back to middle level stuff (implementing PMCs). I don't think the sequence is easy to follow.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by jasper

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Starting with registration API does not seem right. If anything explaining registry belongs to the explanation of a middleware. Section changed to

\section COBIAINTRO What is COBIA

The CAPE-OPEN Binary Interop Architecture (COBIA) is a middleware platform and Application Programming Interface (API) that is purpose-built for (although not limited to) use with CAPE-OPEN.

As a middleware, COBIA provides object registration and instantiation, as well as a variety of API functions.

While COM-based CAPE-OPEN is a proven technology, COM is restricted to Microsoft Windows. COBIA offers several advantages compared to COM:

  • it is strong-typed, leaving less room for error,
  • all \ref DATATYPES data allocation responsibilities? are on the caller allowing for simpler and more efficient design,
  • it is designed to run on multiple platforms,
  • an API is provided that simplifies CAPE-OPEN software development.

Fixed in r115

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