Ticket #125 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

COBIA does not nicely pick up all COM CAPE-OPEN objects

Reported by: jasper Owned by: jasper
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance of Phase II
Component: Registrar Version:
Keywords: Cc:


COBIA currently filters out all COM objects that implement {678c09a1-7d66-11d2-a67d-00105a42887f} (CAPE-OPEN Component) and filters off any object that exposes which thermo it consumes if also present is that thermo 1.1 is not supported.

This is incorrect in two ways:

  • it will add components that do not indicate that they consume thermo, but do list {678c09a1-7d66-11d2-a67d-00105a42887f}. This includes e.g. thermo systems, which are clearly 1.0 only and should not be picked up by COBIA, and
  • it will fail to pick components that should be picked up but do not implement {678c09a1-7d66-11d2-a67d-00105a42887f} nor indicate that thermo is consumed, which includes perhaps some unit operations.

Suggested fix:

  • make a list of primary PMC cat-ids of which at least one must be implemented for a COM component to be picked up by COBIA for CAPE-OPEN versions prior to 1.2 - after that it will not be an issue as the CAPE-OPEN Component Key will suffice.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by jasper

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Components that do not implement {678c09a1-7d66-11d2-a67d-00105a42887f} were already found by the primary PMC catID. Fix consists of removing components for which only {678c09a1-7d66-11d2-a67d-00105a42887f} was found. CatIDs are now taken from the CAPE-OPEN CIDL.

Fixed in commits 284, 285

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by jasper

  • Version deleted

comment:3 Changed 2 years ago by michelpons

  • Version set to
  • Milestone set to Maintenance of Phase II
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