Custom Query (202 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 202)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#151 fixed IdealThermoPPM data files not copied as part of build jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 17 months ago.


IdealThermoPPM appears to not have packages, if registered directly after compilation. Would be good to copy the Data folder as part of the compilation

#150 fixed Registry reading on Windows fails to exit loop in case of read error jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 17 months ago.


In case the read loop of the COBIA registry would encounter an error condition in Windows API function ReadFile?, the loop would not exit and the application would hang.

This will not happen under normal conditions, as ReadFile? does not normally fail.

#149 fixed Change error handling for non-CAPE-OPEN errors on interface adapters jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 17 months ago.


Interface adapters currently forward non-CAPE-OPEN errors (e.g. COBIAERR_NullPointer, COBIAERR_InvalidArgument) as CAPE-OPEN error with scope, interface name, etc and default error text for the non-CAPE-OPEN error.

Error messages become shorter and cleaner if non-CAPE-OPEN errors are simply forwarded as non-CAPE-OPEN errors.

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