Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of WikiStart

2020-09-18 10:05:59 (5 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v10 v11  
    11= Welcome to the CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT) project ! 
    3 COLTT is used to track communication through CAPE-OPEN interfaces between a Process Modelling Component and a Process Modelling Environment: COLTT helps in pinpointing issues in the implementation and use of CAPE-OPEN interfaces. This software application is freely available to end-users and developers of process simulation software implementing CAPE-OPEN interfaces. 
     3COLTT is used to track communication through CAPE-OPEN interfaces between a Process Modelling Component (PMC) and a Process Modelling Environment (PME): COLTT helps in pinpointing issues in the implementation and use of CAPE-OPEN interfaces. This software application is freely available to end-users and developers of process simulation software implementing CAPE-OPEN interfaces. 
    5 COLTT supports version 1.0 and version 1.1 of the CAPE-OPEN standard. However not all the CAPE-OPEN interface specifications of both of these versions of the CAPE-OPEN standard are supported by COLTT. COLTT's current scope is the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification, the Unit Operation interface specification, the Common interface specifications (Utilities, Error handling, Parameters, Identification, Collection) and the COSE interface specification. 
     5COLTT supports version 1.0 and version 1.1 of the CAPE-OPEN standard. However not all the CAPE-OPEN interface specifications of both of these versions of the CAPE-OPEN standard are supported by COLTT. COLTT's current scope is the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification, the Unit Operation interface specification, the Common interface specifications (Utilities, Error, Parameter, Persistence, Identification, Collection) and the Simulation Context COSE interface specification. 
    77COLTT is developed and maintained by the [ CAPE-OPEN Laboratories  Network (CO-LaN)]. To download the latest version of COLTT, go to the "Downloads" section in the menu above. 
    99For any issues with COLTT and if you are not a member of CO-LaN with access to the project bug tracking application, please notify CO-LaN at 
     11'''Using COLTT''' 
     13The COLTT Controller enables you to select the PMCs for which logging of their communication with a PME needs to be performed. COLTT Controller presents to the end-user the list of all PMCs present on the end-user machine. Next the end-user launches a PME, then loads or creates a Flowsheet, i.e. a representation of a process using Unit Operations and Streams, with a Thermodynamic System to calculate thermodynamic and physical properties necessary to the calculation of the process. The end-user next launches the simulation of the process. Once the simulation ends, the end-user closes the PME application and goes back to COLTT Controller from which the log obtained can be accessed through the COLTT Viewer (an application that can be used also independently from the COLTT Controller). COLTT Viewer gives the end-user the ability to browse through the log, filtering as needed the information provided. For the end-user, there is no difference running a process simulation with PMCs logged with COLTT or not logged. Hence COLTT can be applied on existing process simulations to understand whatever takes place between the PME and PMCs. When there is no further use of COLTT, logging on the selected PMCs should be disabled through the COLTT Controller.