Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (121 - 122 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#188 duplicate Three log files created for one run Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


Usually, whatever the number of PMCs on which logging is enabled, there is a single log file created per PME run. I have a scenario that leads to three different logs created for a single PME run. The scenario is using Aspen Hysys 8.4 CP1 with Hotfix dated February 2014. Prior to running Aspen Hysys, an XFlow file has been created using the XFlowSaver UO. The attached Stream01 file is containing the saved material stream. The point here is to save a material stream created in one PME, here COFE, and to automaticalmy load this material stream in another PME. I enable COLTT on both the TEA Thermo System and on the XFlowLodaer UO. In Aspen Hysys I start with a new case. First I define a Fluid Package as a CAPE-OPEN 1.0 Property Package which is the n-depropanizer PP from TEA Thermo System. Then I insert the XFlowLoader UO in Aspen Hysys (while in hold mode) and one Material Stream. I connect this Material Stream to the outlet Port of the XFlowLoader UO. I edit the XFlowLoader and I point to the attached Stream01 file so that it may be loaded as needed. After editing, I make the flowsheet active. Then the XFlowLoader is calculated, meaning that the contents of the Stream01 file are loaded in the UO which then sets its properties in the Aspen Hysys Material Stream. I then exit Aspen Hysys without saving the case. I obtain the three attached logs. There should be only one log file.

#209 fixed System file missing for Controller Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 7 years ago.


in a Win 8.1 Enterprise N machine, after an apparently successful installation of first the x86 version of COLTT and then of the 64-bit version, launching the 64-bit controller leads to an error message: the mfc120.dll file is indicated as missing.

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