Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#165 fixed Viewing log perturbed by special character Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


With a log of a Simulis Thermodynamics PP in COFE, the file, when viewed within the Viewer, is not properly displayed. It seems to be related to the presence of special characters in name of the PPM.

#154 fixed WIX installer needs to be edited before it works on French OS. michaelhalloran michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 11 years ago.


In order for the Wix installer to be rebuilt on a machine with a French OS, I need in Product.wxs to change “Common Files” to “Fichiers Communs” in the lines that define the ids of the merge modules. I need to do that because on a French OS the “Merge Modules” folder is under “C:
Program Files
Fichiers Communs” and there is no “C:
Program Files
Common Files” folder. Wonder if, using some system variable, the contents of Product.wxs can be made independent of the name given to the folder holding the common files.

#133 fixed Warning - props argument is empty Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


I am using COLTT 2.1 Build June 16, 2012 enabled on Aspen Properties v7.2 in COFE. I start from the attached bkp file which, once launched in Aspen Plus, permits the creation of a CAPE-OPEN Property package. Then I launch COFE, selects Aspen Properties Thermo System and then the EtOHWater PP just created. Next I am using the \"calculator\" within the \"Flowsheet\" menu of COFE. I choose to calculate a property, density for phase \"overall\". I get a crash that I investigate with COLTT. What does not seem right to me with COLTT is the warning message appearing with the call to CalcEquilibrium. It says \"Warning - props argument is empty\". I don't see the purpose of such a warning since it is usual to have no property requested on a CalcEquilibrium call. This warning should not be there.

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