Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#168 fixed CalcSinglePhaseProp mentioned in CalcTwoPhaseProp log Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


I am using a ChemSep UO with a TEA 1.1 Property package in PRO/II 9.2.1. I am looking especially at two phase properties and at surface tension.

I notice the following entry in the log:

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to CalcTwoPhaseProp

CalcSinglePhaseProp takes input Arguments:

Property Phase SurfaceTension Vapor SurfaceTension Liquid

... MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from CalcTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded

I think it should state \"CalcTwoPhaseProp takes input Arguments:\" instead of \"CalcSinglePhaseProp takes input 1rguments;\"

#169 fixed CalcTwoPhaseProp: number of phase labels Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


With a ChemSep UO, A TEA PP 1.1 and PRO/II 9.2.1, I noticed the following entries in the log for CalcTwoPhaseProp:

PropertyPackage <n-depropropanizer> : Call to CalcTwoPhaseProp

CalcTwoPhaseProp takes input Arguments:

Property Phase

SurfaceTension Vapor SurfaceTension Liquid

I am pretty sure only one property calculation was requested so the layout of the log entries related to this should be different. There are two phase labels (CapeArrayString) instead of one per property so it should be something like:

Property Phase1 Phase2

SurfaceTension Vapor Liquid

#171 fixed Incomplete log entries for GetTwoPhaseProp Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


Still using the ChemSep UO with a TEA 1.1 PP and PRO/II 9.2.1.

Following a successful calculation of a two phase properties (surface tension) which sets a value on a MO, I see the ChemSep UO recovering (and apparently succeeding) the value calculated but here is the log:

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to SetTwoPhaseProp MaterialObject SetTwoPhaseProp input arguments:

Property Phase Basis Value SurfaceTension Vapor (null) 0.0037951

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from SetTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded PropertyPackage <n-depropropanizer> : Return from CalcTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from CalcTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to GetTwoPhaseProp

GetTwoPhaseProp takes Input Arguments:

Property Phase Basis


Property Phase Basis ValueReturned

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from GetTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded

Several pieces of information are missing since only one phase label appears. No value returned for example. The layout of the entry for that method should be GetTwoPhaseProp takes input Arguments:

Property Phase1 Phase2 Basis

GetTwoPhaseProp returns:

Property Phase1 Phase2 Basis ValueReturned

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