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#188 duplicate Three log files created for one run Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


Usually, whatever the number of PMCs on which logging is enabled, there is a single log file created per PME run. I have a scenario that leads to three different logs created for a single PME run. The scenario is using Aspen Hysys 8.4 CP1 with Hotfix dated February 2014. Prior to running Aspen Hysys, an XFlow file has been created using the XFlowSaver UO. The attached Stream01 file is containing the saved material stream. The point here is to save a material stream created in one PME, here COFE, and to automaticalmy load this material stream in another PME. I enable COLTT on both the TEA Thermo System and on the XFlowLodaer UO. In Aspen Hysys I start with a new case. First I define a Fluid Package as a CAPE-OPEN 1.0 Property Package which is the n-depropanizer PP from TEA Thermo System. Then I insert the XFlowLoader UO in Aspen Hysys (while in hold mode) and one Material Stream. I connect this Material Stream to the outlet Port of the XFlowLoader UO. I edit the XFlowLoader and I point to the attached Stream01 file so that it may be loaded as needed. After editing, I make the flowsheet active. Then the XFlowLoader is calculated, meaning that the contents of the Stream01 file are loaded in the UO which then sets its properties in the Aspen Hysys Material Stream. I then exit Aspen Hysys without saving the case. I obtain the three attached logs. There should be only one log file.

#3 worksforme 09-019 COLTT modifies error rmessage displayed in PROSIM when CalcEquilibrium fails Michael Halloran michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 15 years ago.


I am logging a CAPE-OPEN VB6 UO in ProSim Plus The Validate method is faced with a CalcEquilibrium that does not work, at least it is what I presume. When running the Validate without COLTT (1.07 and 1.08.02 have strictly the same behavior), I get an error message as in Screenshots_woCOLTT.doc, it says “la valeur de la propriété est inconnue”, something like the property value is unknown. With COLTT enabled on the UO, I get an error message as in Screenshots_withCOLTT.doc : “La méthode ~ de l’objet ~ a échoué” which may be translated as “the method of object ~ has failed”.

ProSim SA has told me that CalcEquilibrium is supposed to give an ECapeUnknown error code. The error is prompted by a GetProp made by the thermo server on the MO while the MO is not yet prepared to receive such calls since the MO is calculated once the UO represented the process feed has been calculated. The ECapeUnknown error code is consistent with the message displayed without COLTT “the value of the property is unknown”. So the point may be to investigate if and why ECapeUnknown does not appear as the error code displayed by CapeEquilibrium.

The message displayed by ProSIm Plus without COLTT is not that explicit for sure but it seems wrong to me for COLTT to somehow change the message displayed.

#19 worksforme 09-016 COMThermo PP 1.0 in Simulis Thermodynamics Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


De: Michael Halloran [michaeljhalloran@…] Envoyé: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:03 PM À: technologyofficer@… Cc: Ahsan Akhtar; malcolm.woodman@… Objet: Re: COLTT 09-016 COMThermo in Simulis Thermodynamics Michel,

Since the logs are so similar I think the debug messages are harmless. I agree they shouldn't be there but I think they are a consequence of you running a debug build. I think the first step is to re-run the test with a release build of 1.08.2 (or .3?) and to compare with 1.07 again.

Regards Michael ==================================================== De: technologyofficer@… Envoyé: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:46 AM À: Michael Halloran Cc: Ahsan Akhtar; malcolm.woodman@… Objet: Re: COLTT 09-016 COMThermo in Simulis Thermodynamics


I have not made any calculations in both examples. I just selected the Property Package and stopped there. Things may be fine with calculations afterwards but my point is that debug assertion failed messages should not pop up. By clicking on Ignore at each debug assertion failed message I am moving on. There is no such message with COLTT 1.07 enabled on COMThermo Thermo System.

Best regards

Michel =================================================== De: Ahsan Akhtar [ahsan.akhtar@…] Envoyé: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:17 AM À: 'Michael Halloran'; 'Michel Pons' Cc: malcolm.woodman@… Objet: RE: COLTT 09-016 COMThermo in Simulis Thermodynamics


Yes, you are right, it is a debug build.

Best Regards

Ahsan ==================================================== De: Michael Halloran [michaeljhalloran@…] Envoyé: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:01 AM À: Michel Pons Cc: Ahsan Akhtar; malcolm.woodman@… Objet: Re: COLTT 09-016 COMThermo in Simulis Thermodynamics Michel,

The two logs look very similar, so it seems that the calculations proceed in both examples. Is that correct? Are you continuing through the debug messages?

Ahsan, do you know whether 1.08.2 is a debug build or a release build? Presumably 1.07 is a release build?

Regards Michael ================================================== De: Michel Pons [technologyofficer@…] Envoyé: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:32 AM À: 'Ahsan Akhtar'; 'Michael Halloran' Cc: 'malcolm.woodman@…' Objet: COLTT 09-016 COMThermo in Simulis Thermodynamics

Pièces jointes: excel_081109_105634_v107.log; excel_081109_110300_v1082.log; Screencopy110809.doc


I get « Debug Assertion Failed » messages while making the selection of a COMThermo PP in Simulis Thermodynamics. This occurs with COLTT 1.08.02 while it does not occur with COLTT v1.07. You will find attached a Word document made of screen copies of the scenario performed as well as the log files obtained both with 1.07 and 1.08.02.

I have given number 09-016 to this issue.

Best regards


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