Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#168 fixed CalcSinglePhaseProp mentioned in CalcTwoPhaseProp log Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


I am using a ChemSep UO with a TEA 1.1 Property package in PRO/II 9.2.1. I am looking especially at two phase properties and at surface tension.

I notice the following entry in the log:

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to CalcTwoPhaseProp

CalcSinglePhaseProp takes input Arguments:

Property Phase SurfaceTension Vapor SurfaceTension Liquid

... MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from CalcTwoPhaseProp - Succeeded

I think it should state \"CalcTwoPhaseProp takes input Arguments:\" instead of \"CalcSinglePhaseProp takes input 1rguments;\"

#118 fixed COLTT queries on persistence interfaces Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


I am using PRO/II 8.2, in fact the material used a while ago for ticket #39. It involves also an old version of the COUSCOUS library (1.14). I am looking at the start of the log file. PRO/II queries in sequence about IPersistPropertyBag, IPersistStorage, IPersistStreamInit and IPersistStream. All queries, except the last one, return an error (0x800004002). Now the PME (PRO/II) knows that the UO supports only IPersistStream. COLTT is then releasing the PMC IPersistStream interface and then carries the same sequence of queries as the PME about the persistence interfaces. I wonder why there is not just a query on IPersistStream interface which has been found as present.

#139 Not Reproducible COLTT log file created for a case with failed initialisation of Aspen Properties won't load into the Viewer michaelhalloran michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 12 years ago.


This one is a mistake caused by using the Viewer when the log file was still being written to.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.