Custom Query (122 matches)
Results (82 - 84 of 122)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#59 | worksforme | OATS in Aspen Plus | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
Without COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, a Property Package logged through OATS can't be imported in Aspen Plus: the Property Package is not listed as available. With COLTT enabled on OATS Thermo System, the Property Package under OATS appears as importable in Aspen Plus and a simple scenario involving this PP can be played in Aspen Plus. OATS is at, Aspen Plus is at 7.1 and COLTT is Aug 1, 2010 build. Attached are the log files obtained from COLTT and OATS. Enabling COLTT on OATS should not change OATS behaviour. At the same time this scenario shows that out of proc applications may now be logged with COLTT. |
#62 | duplicate | Simulis crashes when COLTT enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
I am making a simple calculation in Simulis Thermodynamics using an Aspen Properties Property Package: enthalpy calculation at 1 atm and 90°C of a 10% mol / 90% mol ethanol/water mixture. When Aspen Properties Thermo System v24.0 (i.e. aspenONE 7.2) is logged with either COLTT 1.08.4 or 1.08.5, Simulis crashes and exits during the calculation. Results are obtained when COLTT is not enabled on Aspen Properties Thermo System. The problem may be that Aspen Properties Property Package tries to set a phase fraction for a non-existent solid phase on Simulis MO and that the value to be set is wild... |
#65 | fixed | Incomplete view of log file in Viewer | michaelhalloran | michelpons |
Description |
The attached log file, when seen through the Viewer, seems to stop on a Call to SetSinglePhaseProp on fugacity property for vapor phase with values of 49913.1 and 49613.4 while the log goes much further. |