Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#95 fixed Is the logging of Duplicate accurate about the MO pointer? michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


When analyzing logs obtained with COLTT 1.08.5 with two different PMEs and the same PMC (the CPP Mixer Splitter example), I have noticed that within the Calculate method, the Duplicate method is called twice (because there are two feeds to the UO) and each time the pointer returned appears as the same. This is worrying me because in fact the previous MO is not released before a new duplicate is done according to the following excerpt of the CPP Mixer Splitter code:

bool Duplicate(Material &m,wstring &error) {ATLASSERT(materialObject); class should be instanciated properly create a new material object MaterialObjectWrapper *MO=materialObject->Duplicate(error); <------- NEW ONE IS OBTAINED if (!MO) return false ; fail clean up old MO in m if (m.materialObject) m.materialObject->Release(); <------- OLD ONE IS RELEASED set new m.materialObject=MO; ok return true ;


So while this has no consequence really for the CPP Mixer Splitter it is of interest to know if the pointer mentioned in the log is the real pointer or one pertaining to the CO logger. Could this be assessed?

#104 fixed Version number of COLTT application not appearing in Add/Suppress programs michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


Within the Add/Suppress view of all programs installed on a machine, the entry COLTT appears without a version number. For most commercial applications, a version number is present besides the name of the application: COMSOL 4.1, Microsoft Works 7.0, Process Modeling (HYSYS) V7.2, etc. It helps figuring the state of the machine.

#107 fixed Issue with get_NamedList logging michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using PRO/II 9.1, together with a TEA Property Package and the COUSCOUS Mixer. The TEA Thermo System and the COUSCOUS Mixer are both logged with COLTT. I start from a case file where the Material Streams have been defined with the CEA C1_C2 (EOS) as Property Package. I am adding the COUSCOUS Mixer, connecting the two inlets and the outlet ports to streams and then I launch the Calculation which ends up in error.

The log I get in the Viewer shows that Calculate is not as the same level as Validate which is odd. Going to the raw file I see that there is no return for the get_NamedValueList call.

When logging is not enabled on either components, the calculation does not end up in error.

Attached are the log file obtained and the screenshot of the Viewer as obtained.

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