Custom Query (35 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#25 fixed Flowsheet Monitoring Component CATID marcus michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 4 years ago.


In file cgCAPEOPENCategories.wxs, at line 33, there is:

<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="Component Categories\{7BA1AF89-B2E4-493d-BD80-2970BF4CBE99}" Name="409" Value="CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Monitoring Object" Type="string" />

It should be "CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Monitoring Component" rather than "CAPE-OEPN Flowsheet Monitoring Object". There is no such thing in the Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification as a "CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Monitoring Object"

#26 wontfix Explain purpose of ExampleWixScript file within it michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 3 years ago.


The ExampleWixScript comes with some comments within it but does not display comments explaining what is its purpose at the top of it. Having a short explanation of its purpose, referring to the Developer Guide for further explanations, may be useful to whoever is opening up the file.

#6 fixed Documentation needed to explain what installer does michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


The Type Libraries and PIA installer should be proposed to users with a suitable documentation. While the installer itself is rather simple to run, with at install only two options given, a per-user or a per-machine run, the installer does not say what happens during the installation. There are modifications made to the Windows registry while there is also a number of files copied to C:\Program Files\Common files\CAPE-OPEN. Would make sense to mention that to the user in a short Word document that would go in the download section together with the installer.

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