Custom Query (202 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11 fixed COBIA error handling issues jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 4 years ago.


COException COBIA objects raised by COMBIA are not properly handled by COBIA wrappers

#166 fixed COBIA fails to return the same object wrapper for the same object jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 17 months ago.


If a COBIA object is asked to return an object, and it returns itself (or another already existing object) COBIA fails to recognize the object is the same, and creates a new COM object equivalent.

#174 fixed COBIA initialization diagnostics jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 15 months ago.


On some systems, particularly during installations, cobiaRegister (or wCobiaRegister) typically fails with the message "CAPE-OPEN initialization fails".

Several attempts to debug this after-the-fact have failed, either because the problem is not reproducible on my computer after transferring all target files, or because the problem spontaneously corrects itself.

I suggest to put in place better textual error messages about why COBIA fails - e.g. report on failure to load the COBIA core DLL (with path to the DLL and error code), report on failure to load any of the function pointers, etc.

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