Custom Query (202 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 202)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#129 fixed Improper reporting of line and column number in C++ parse error in code generator jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 20 months ago.


Lines were not properly detected, so all errors were reported at line 1, character #####

#128 fixed std::isnan returns a boolean, wrapper code checks for !=0 jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 21 months ago.


In principle harmless but not needed.

#127 fixed cape_open_error lacks constructor for description and cause jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 23 months ago.


The cape_open_error object lacks a constructor to raise an exception from a description with a contained error.

This makes it impossible (from c++ code using wrapper objects) to raise a nested CAPE-OPEN error with a custom description.

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