Custom Query (202 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 202)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 fixed Client vs CLIENT jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 18 months ago.


Include folder capitalization should be consistent for proper compilation under linux and other systems where the file system is case sensitive.

#144 invalid Code generator drops namespace from adapter jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 18 months ago.


Name space is dropped from adapter incorrectly, causing compilation error of generated code.

#87 fixed Command line code generater raises invalid error on namespace jasper jasper

Reported by jasper, 3 years ago.


Command line code generater raises an error in case a name space is specified for a new class. It should raise an error in case a namespace is specified for any function except creating a new class.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.