Custom Query (202 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2 worksforme CheckEquilibriumSpec michelpons michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


The COBIA PME is a demo with a limited scope. For instance the GUI enables a simple TP flash to take place but does not allow all the different kinds of equilibrium calculation one can think of. Fine with me. It fits with the demo aspect of the COBIA PME. Still CheckEquilibriumSpec? is called on a Property Package for all the possible combinations or sort of that can be thought of. I think this is an overkill for a demo. For sure nobody sees it happening except when logging the communication between a COM PMC and the COBIA PME. Is there really a purpose for checking all the possible combinations?

#7 worksforme Value of %appdata% mentioned in ReadMe IdealThermoPPM jasper michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 8 years ago.


The ReadMe? file for IdealThermoPPM instructs "The property package definitions in the Data folder must be copied to the %appdata%\CO-LaN_IdealThermoExample folder"

Is that really %appdata%?

When C:\Users\Me\AppData?>cd %appdata%


Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 02C8-4704

Directory of C:\Users\Me\AppData?\Roaming

08/07/2016 08:08 AM <DIR> . 08/07/2016 08:08 AM <DIR> .. 03/08/2016 06:47 PM <DIR> Adobe 08/07/2016 08:08 AM <DIR> NuGet? 08/07/2016 07:25 AM <DIR> Subversion

#158 worksforme Check that code generated code compiles with most up-to-date C++ standards jasper jasper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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