Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#104 Name of the MSI appearing in dialog box assigned kyle enhancement Maintenance of Phase II major
#190 PMC connect time out is 60 s. Configurable? new jasper enhancement Backlog major
#194 Serialization not defined for POSIX CapeWindowId assigned kyle defect major
#212 COM Initialization detection reopened jasper defect Backlog major
#241 Check whether COBIA initializes all pointers to NULL new jasper task Phase III major
#249 CapeWindowId must be an input argument new jasper enhancement Phase III major
#250 Investigate COBIA marshaling issue during the Edit call new jasper defect Backlog major
#255 Allow current user installations to run as elevated new jasper defect Phase III major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.