Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#124 jasper jasper wontfix Allow /ascurrentuser option to cobiaRegister on Windows

Reported by jasper, 2 years ago.


COBIA stub code will refuse to load COBIA runtime installed by a current user from an elevated process. This is a security measure to counter a possible DLL hijack by a current user replacing COBIA.dll or one of its dependencies.

Some installers elevate in a mixed-mode scenario even when installing for the current user. Particularly the default multi-user scenario of NSIS is subject to this.

This scenario in which COBIA is being installed for the current user, and the PMC registration is executed elevated, the PMC registration fails, as COBIA cannot be loaded.

Workaround is to provide a /ascurrentuser option to cobiaRegister that, in case it is started with elevated rights, will restart itself with the same command line options, impersonating the unelevated current user.

This option is to be specified by installers that run a current user installation mode with admin rights (elevated)

#126 jasper jasper fixed C++ code generator misspells putVersionIndependentProgId

Reported by jasper, 2 years ago.


Code is generated that contains putVersionIndependentProgID instead of putVersionIndependentProgId (capital D).

#128 jasper jasper fixed std::isnan returns a boolean, wrapper code checks for !=0

Reported by jasper, 21 months ago.


In principle harmless but not needed.

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