Custom Query (122 matches)
Results (103 - 105 of 122)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter | |
#141 | fixed | Calls to GetCompoundList by COLTT within Validate | michaelhalloran | michelpons | |
Description |
I am using PRO/II 9.2 alpha and I am starting from a case file where the CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and its PP nC6nC8 are plugged in. Then I am inserting the CPP MixerSplitter example UO, connected its two inlets and one outlet. Then I am running the case, saving and exiting. This gives the attached log file. I am puzzled by what COLTT does within the Validate call: three calls to GetCompoundList and one call to GetSinglePhasePropList. I don't see the purpose of the three successive calls to GetCompoundList. |
#142 | fixed | Calls wrongly attributed to COLTT | michaelhalloran | michelpons | |
Description |
I am using PRO/II 9.2 alpha and I am starting from a case file where the CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and its PP nC6nC8 are plugged in. Then I am inserting the CPP MixerSplitter example UO, connected its two inlets and one outlet.
COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to GetOverallProp
COLTT <Anonymous> : Return from GetOverallProp - Succeeded COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to GetOverallProp
COLTT <Anonymous> : Return from GetOverallProp - Succeeded COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to GetOverallProp
COLTT <Anonymous> : Return from GetOverallProp - Succeeded COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to CreateMaterial COLTT <Anonymous> : Return from CreateMaterial - Succeeded COLTT Reference count for MO logger is 2 MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to CopyFromMaterial It says that COLTT retrieves pressure, totalflow and composition. Well my reading of the CPP MixerSplitter source code tells me it is the Unit Operation which does that. 00195 first let us make sure we are in a valid state 00196 if (valStatus==CAPE_INVALID) 00197 {SetError(L\"Unit is not valid\",L\"ICapeUnit\",L\"Calculate\"); 00198 return ECapeUnknownHR; 00199 } 00200 if (valStatus==CAPE_NOT_VALIDATED) 00201 {SetError(L\"Unit has not been validated\",L\"ICapeUnit\",L\"Calculate\"); 00202 return ECapeUnknownHR; 00203 } 00204 ATLASSERT(valStatus==CAPE_VALID); 00205 init variables 00206 componentFlows.resize(nCompounds); 00207 for (j=0;j<nCompounds;j++) componentFlows[j]=0; 00208 totalFlow=0; 00209 enthalpy=0; 00210 pressure=0; 00211 loop over the connected feed ports, get the minimum pressure and the total component and enthalpy flows 00212 for (i=0;i<2;i++) 00213 {port=(MaterialPortObject *)portCollection->items[i]; 00214 if (port->IsConnected()) 00215 {get the pressure 00216 material=port->GetMaterial(); 00217 if (!material.GetOverallProperty(L\"pressure\",NULL,value,error)) 00218 {SetError(error.c_str(),L\"ICapeUnit\",L\"Calculate\"); 00219 return ECapeUnknownHR; 00220 } 00221 check count 00222 if (value.GetCount()!=1) 00223 {SetError(L\"Invalid values for pressure from material object: scalar expected\",L\"ICapeUnit\",L\"Calculate\"); 00224 return ECapeUnknownHR; 00225 } 00226 use minimum pressure 00227 d=value.GetDoubleAt(0);
00229 get total flow 00230 if (!material.GetOverallProperty(L\"totalFlow\",L\"mole\",value,error)) 00231 {SetError(error.c_str(),L\"ICapeUnit\",L\"Calculate\"); 00232 return ECapeUnknownHR; 00233 } |
#143 | fixed | Viewer gets mixed up between put_ComponentName and other calls | Michael Halloran | michelpons | |
Description |
I am using PRO/II 9.2 alpha. I enable logging on the CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and on the TEA PPM. Then I open a new case file in PRO/II 9.2, go to Input |