Custom Query (122 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 worksforme Return from SetProp not logged michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


I am using a Simulis Thermodynamics Property Package adhering to CAPE-OPEN 1.0 in UniSim Design. I am making a simple flash on a stream. UniSim Design is calling addtional property calculations in order to fill its properties display. Just after the last CalcEquilibrium call logged in the log file, UniSim Design requests a enthalpy calculation on the vapor phase. Simulis PP gets the compound IDs, overall temperature, overall pressure, vapor phase composition and then sets the enthalpy for vapor phase in the MO on a molar basis and then on a mass basis. In the log I don't see the last SetProp being returned. Still other calls are then logged. What can be going on? The Viewer lets this appear as an error. Is it one?

#88 worksforme COLTT does not recognize UO as supporting CAPE-OPEN interfaces michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using the case described in Ticket 03. I am using COLTT build dated July 17, 2011. This build incorporates a test about presence of Microsoft .Net 3.5 on the machine at installation. Since ProSim Plus does not need .Net 3.5 I installed .NET 3.5 SP1 and the necessary updates (except KB2518864 which did not succeed). The scenario calls for starting ProSim Plus with a case file that contains only four streams, one being the inlet. I insert the UO in the flowsheet and I connect its ports (one inlet, three outlets) to streams in the flowsheet. I define the UO parameters using the Edit function. Connection of ports, edition work fine from a ProSim Plus point of view with or without COLTT enabled on the UO. When asking for the UO to validate itself I get the kind of error message that is mentioned in Ticket 03. Now with COLTT build July 17, 2011, I get a very short log file saying that the UO is not supporting CO interfaces that COLTT may logged. I uninstalled COLTT July 17, 2011 and I installed the 1.08.04 version available from SourceForge. That time I get a rather complete log file that shows COLTT is able to log what happens between the PME and the PMC. Stating that the UO is not supporting the CO interfaces seems a little bit strange then.

#92 fixed Format of PortCollection Item method log michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


When a call to the Item method on a Parameter Collection occurs the Viewer displays: Parameter Collection <C01> : Call to Item

Parameter Collection Item takes input argument: 1 Item returns : 1 : 0x129247d8

While for an Item method call on a Port Collection, the Viewer displays:

Port Collection <C01> : Call to Item

Item returns : FEED 1 : Ox12922440

So the input argument is missing in the Port Collection display. This has some importance when the Item method call fails. One does not know for the Port Collection which item has been called.

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